Different attenuation, volume envelopes, filter frequencies, etc. It's possible that they removed such melodic instrument samples to make space for the SFX samples that they added (which is why both soundfonts are about the same size), so 8MBGM.SF2 would probably be better for GM usage.Įdit: There are also a lot of subtle differences between the two soundfont's standard drumkits. Another difference is that some instruments, such as the Oboe, have their samples mapped slightly differently in the *SFX soundfont for some reason some samples are missing so other samples have been remapped to fill in the spaces. The *SFX one has an SFX drumkit that contains sound effects (DOOM and most other games do not use this kit). 8MBGMSFX.SF2 has 526 samples, 136 instruments, and 138 presets.
8MBGM.SF2 has 525 samples, 136 instruments, and 137 presets.